03 Sep, 2020
Matches Played
Goals Scored
Goals Conceded
Clean Sheets
Yellow Cards
Read Cards
Goals / Games
Wins / Games
Level 1
0 / 600 XP
Goals scored / conceded
0 / 0 Goals
Matches played
Last Matches Results
Next Games
Transfer of Thor-Ouranos
Thor-Ouranos has just signed a 10. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Thor-Ouranos
Thor-Ouranos has just signed a 2. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Thor-Ouranos
Thor-Ouranos has just signed a 2. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Thor-Ouranos
Thor-Ouranos has just signed a 2. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Thor-Ouranos
Thor-Ouranos has just signed a 2. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Thor-Ouranos
Thor-Ouranos has just signed a 2. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Thor-Ouranos
Thor-Ouranos has just signed a 2. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Thor-Ouranos
Thor-Ouranos has just signed a 20. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Thor-Ouranos
Thor-Ouranos has just signed a 15. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of MatheoDu-13160
MatheoDu-13160 has just signed a 60. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Vikingrastaman14
Vikingrastaman14 has just signed a 60. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of PVD-_-CrAcKs
PVD-_-CrAcKs has just signed a 60. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Banlieu-art
Banlieu-art has just signed a 30. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Salvo-_-crapouli
Salvo-_-crapouli has just signed a 60. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of xComan_10
xComan_10 has just signed a 60. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Dra7alex
Dra7alex has just signed a 60. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Arnaud94350
Arnaud94350 has just signed a 60. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of X_SKY-_-x16
X_SKY-_-x16 has just signed a 52. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Kevuri_x29
Kevuri_x29 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Fera3zkoka
Fera3zkoka has just signed a 50. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Thor-Ouranos
Thor-Ouranos has just signed a 15. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Thor-Ouranos
Thor-Ouranos has just signed a 6. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Kevuri_x29
Kevuri_x29 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Fredouil
Fredouil has just signed a 50. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Mohakhz
Mohakhz has just signed a 50. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Tio_louis-59
Tio_louis-59 has just signed a 50. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of QP_Ramos_4
QP_Ramos_4 has just signed a 50. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Thor-Ouranos
Thor-Ouranos has just signed a 20. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Mass-Longii92
Mass-Longii92 has just signed a 50. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of FURAX--91
FURAX--91 has just signed a 50. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Fera3zkoka
Fera3zkoka has just signed a 10. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Thor-Ouranos
Thor-Ouranos has just signed a 10. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of xSS_Wijnaldum_5
xSS_Wijnaldum_5 has just signed a 15. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of xZambrotta_19x
xZambrotta_19x has just signed a 80. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of icemanleman
icemanleman has just signed a 80. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Manolas_x44
Manolas_x44 has just signed a 50. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Oblak_Jan_13x
Oblak_Jan_13x has just signed a 80. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Yannosss93
Yannosss93 has just signed a 80. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of LosTatanos
LosTatanos has just signed a 80. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of XGomez_30
XGomez_30 has just signed a 80. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Arc_en_ciel_BoT
Arc_en_ciel_BoT has just signed a 80. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of TiagoC22
TiagoC22 has just signed a 60. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Thor-Ouranos
Thor-Ouranos has just signed a 100. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of NisKe_
NisKe_ has just signed a 80. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Victor_MagicFans
Victor_MagicFans has just signed a 60. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Thor-Ouranos
Thor-Ouranos has just signed a 10. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of stcoeur
stcoeur has just signed a 50. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of the_beast972
the_beast972 has just signed a 50. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Ash_D_7
Ash_D_7 has just signed a 70. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of xPaNKaNi
xPaNKaNi has just signed a 6. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of XxPS-KowdyxX
XxPS-KowdyxX has just signed a 50. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of pipoO_38x
pipoO_38x has just signed a 70. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of fredinhO-fifa
fredinhO-fifa has just signed a 52. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Belou_5x
Belou_5x has just signed a 52. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of SalHazarD
SalHazarD has just signed a 52. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of WTD_Casemiro_14
WTD_Casemiro_14 has just signed a 52. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Banlieu-art
Banlieu-art has just signed a 52. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of CTO_nico17
CTO_nico17 has just signed a 52. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Mr-JiGoro
Mr-JiGoro has just signed a 52. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Hersolt_Manu
Hersolt_Manu has just signed a 52. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of LiL_ESLA
LiL_ESLA has just signed a 52. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of xSanchou_66
xSanchou_66 has just signed a 52. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Wiwi695
Wiwi695 has just signed a 52. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of guixbox
guixbox has just signed a 52. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of BuRn_MaTRiX
BuRn_MaTRiX has just signed a 52. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Bersercker6203
Bersercker6203 has just signed a 52. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of LiL_ESLA
LiL_ESLA has just signed a 52. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Fera3zkoka
Fera3zkoka has just signed a 52. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Yoniiz
Yoniiz has just signed a 52. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of xNabs__
xNabs__ has just signed a 52. week contract with UBITEAM
FEROZ_LUSITANOS has just signed a 52. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Touki_Nancy
Touki_Nancy has just signed a 52. week contract with UBITEAM
Présentation des Associations de cette nouvelle année
Chers membres,
J’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer le retour d’EFL à partir du 19 Octobre et de la section eFoot 1v1 à partir du 12 octobre !
Transfer of Thor-Ouranos
Thor-Ouranos has just signed a 10. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Kevuri_x29
Kevuri_x29 has just signed a 52. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Thor-Ouranos
Thor-Ouranos has just signed a 10. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Yoniiz
Yoniiz has just signed a 7. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of NeRoW_28x
NeRoW_28x has just signed a 7. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Florian_x56
Florian_x56 has just signed a 7. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Leterrible133S
Leterrible133S has just signed a 7. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Jumo944
Jumo944 has just signed a 7. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Cauviez17
Cauviez17 has just signed a 7. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of XFaya-DemX
XFaya-DemX has just signed a 7. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Thor-Ouranos
Thor-Ouranos has just signed a 7. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Banlieu-art
Banlieu-art has just signed a 15. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Thor-Ouranos
Thor-Ouranos has just signed a 10. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Banlieu-art
Banlieu-art has just signed a 10. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of MTS_BR-DBY
MTS_BR-DBY has just signed a 12. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Rider26000
Rider26000 has just signed a 12. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Florian_x56
Florian_x56 has just signed a 12. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Leterrible133S
Leterrible133S has just signed a 12. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of XFaya-DemX
XFaya-DemX has just signed a 12. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of PEST_Yanza
PEST_Yanza has just signed a 12. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of LaPasseA10_
LaPasseA10_ has just signed a 12. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Cauviez17
Cauviez17 has just signed a 12. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Wiwi695
Wiwi695 has just signed a 12. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of ismail-real7
ismail-real7 has just signed a 12. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of lebethunoisdu62
lebethunoisdu62 has just signed a 12. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Yoniiz
Yoniiz has just signed a 12. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Mts_Meelko_dby
Mts_Meelko_dby has just signed a 12. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of BuRn_MaTRiX
BuRn_MaTRiX has just signed a 12. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of NeRoW_28x
NeRoW_28x has just signed a 12. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of NDG_Toky
NDG_Toky has just signed a 10. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Fera3zkoka
Fera3zkoka has just signed a 10. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Jumo944
Jumo944 has just signed a 10. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Thor-Ouranos
Thor-Ouranos has just signed a 10. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of SayoNarah93
SayoNarah93 has just signed a 6. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of HugoltBolt
HugoltBolt has just signed a 6. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of BabasssOG
BabasssOG has just signed a 6. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of AlexCeption04
AlexCeption04 has just signed a 6. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of TomsVA91
TomsVA91 has just signed a 8. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of remybock
remybock has just signed a 8. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of donjavier
donjavier has just signed a 8. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of UBI_Crespo
UBI_Crespo has just signed a 1. week contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of TizmA93KG
TizmA93KG has just signed a 6. game contract with UBITEAM

Bienvenue à tous sur le débrief hiver Émeraude semaine 5 ! Ça ne bouge plus trop dans le classement, et on commence à y voir plus clair. Commençons tout de suite par le haut du tableau. 

NSN CR reste premier avec 3 points d'avance sur le second Thunderauk. Les deux Ă©quipes ont d'ailleurs perdu contre les deux mĂªmes cette semaine, Bestou et Restart. NSN affrontera au prochain match UBITEAM, et les Thunderauk joueront Les Anciens. Dans tous les cas, on retrouvera ces deux Ă©quipes en play-off. 

3e et 4e sont à égalité avec 52 points. Il s'agit de Bestou et de SNM Efoot. L'équipe en forme est Bestou qui remonte bien avec toutes ses victoires, SNM tient bon malgré deux défaites. Ils s'accrochent. Bestou affrontera un mal classé FC Nyx au prochain match. SNM eux, joueront eMaters. 

Les Anciens eux aussi s'accrochent. Ils restent à la 5e place, mais affronteront Thunderauk au prochain match. Attention juste derrière eMaters est seulement à 1 po

Transfer of SayoNarah93
SayoNarah93 has just signed a 8. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of HugoltBolt
HugoltBolt has just signed a 8. game contract with UBITEAM

Bonjour à tous et bienvenue sur le débrief Émeraude hiver week 4 !
Le premier de cette conférence reste NSN CR Esport avec 47 points en 20 matchs ! Nsn a connu cette semaine sa première défaite face à Vatos eSport ! Pour le reste de la semaine, 4 victoires. Ils comptent 3 points d'avances sur les poursuivants ...

Le second est Thunderauk ! Les Thunders comptent 3 petits points de retard sur NSN. Que des victoires cette semaine sauf un nul contre SNM. ThunderAuk à la meilleure défense et la meilleure attaque actuellement. Une équipe solide et qui revient très fort !

SNM efoot est à la troisième place de la conférence Émeraude, à égalité de points avec Thunderauk. 2 matchs nuls et 3 victoires cette semaine. Un prochain match face aux Anciens sera intéressant pour la suite ...

Les Anciens sont quatrièmes avec 41 points. Des points perdu cette semaine avec un match nul face à Orks Grand Poitiers, et une défaite face à DIM Team. Des

Transfer of Kalemaj
Kalemaj has just signed a 8. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of abadjii
abadjii has just signed a 8. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of u_tsubasa_Dz
u_tsubasa_Dz has just signed a 8. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of TizmA93KG
TizmA93KG has just signed a 8. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of remybock
remybock has just signed a 8. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of BabasssOG
BabasssOG has just signed a 8. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of TomsVA91
TomsVA91 has just signed a 8. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of AlexCeption04
AlexCeption04 has just signed a 8. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of donjavier
donjavier has just signed a 8. game contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of GzD_iNFiNiTy
GzD_iNFiNiTy has just signed a 1. week contract with UBITEAM

Salut Ă  tous, on se retrouve pour le dĂ©brief 3 de la confĂ©rence hiver Émeraude. Non, vous ne rĂªvez pas, dans les trois premiers vous retrouvez deux Ă©quipes qui ont faillit dissoudre avant le dĂ©but de saison ! 

Transfer of Shaantsss
Shaantsss has just signed a 1. week contract with UBITEAM

Bonjour, c’est l’heure du nouveau Débrief’, celui de la semaine 2.  Retour sur sur les résultats et le classement depuis la semaine 1.  On débute avec la conférence EFL Emeraude.

A la première place, SNM efoot, un sans-faute avec 5 victoires sur les 5 matchs.  Une excellente performance qui confirme leur début de saison (dédicace à Al_Capote). Un total de 9 victoires en 10 matchs pour seulement 1 défaite. Niveau but, 21 buts marqués pour 6 encaissés. On peut dire bravo à SNM, mais comme pour NSN la semaine passée, je dirai le plus dur est d'y rester...

On retrouve en seconde position, NSN CR esport qui perd une place malgrè leur semaine rĂ©ussie. Après ce premier tiers, NSN est la seule Ă©quipe invaincue en confĂ©rence Émeraude avec au niveau comptable : 8 victoires et 2 nuls en 10 matchs. Le nul face à Bestou empĂªche les hommes de Boby et Lynx de faire le sans-faute. On vous donne RDV la semaine prochaine pour le choc de cette confĂ©rence entr

Transfer of Kalemaj
Kalemaj has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of PorTos-09
PorTos-09 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of CharohSF
CharohSF has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of u_tsubasa_Dz
u_tsubasa_Dz has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of PorTos-09
PorTos-09 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of xTM-Pirlo_21x
xTM-Pirlo_21x has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of remybock
remybock has just signed a 8 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of HugoltBolt
HugoltBolt has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Ninuux_
Ninuux_ has just signed a 8 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of TomsVA91
TomsVA91 has just signed a 8 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of donjavier
donjavier has just signed a 8 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of TizmA93KG
TizmA93KG has just signed a 8 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of UBI_Crespo
UBI_Crespo has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Lies-13016
Lies-13016 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM

Place à la conférence Émeraude !

Le leader de cette conférence est la belle équipe de NSN CR ESPORT avec 13 points. 5 matchs 4 victoires lors des premiers matchs et un nul sur le dernier face à eMaters. 11 buts inscrits et 2 seulement encaissés. Les prochaines grosses affiches, seront Les Anciens et Bestou. Premier, c'est très bien, y rester, c'est mieux..

PCS Orchestral est le second de la conférence Émeraude avec 12 points prit (12 buts pour et 3 contres). 4 victoires et une défaite face à eMaters également. Attention, les gros matchs arrivent pour la PCS. Les Anciens, Bestou Ubiteam.. La semaine prochaine sera une semaine de confirmation, ou pas pour la PCS.

Les Anciens confirment. Troisième pour les Anciens avec un petit faux pas sur le dernier match face Ă  Restart. 12 points (10 buts pour et 3 contres). Semaine prochaine avec de belles affiches. Les Anciens joueront contre Bestou, SNM efoot et NSN ! On a hĂ¢
Transfer of HugoltBolt
HugoltBolt has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of AlexCeption04
AlexCeption04 has just signed a 8 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Kalemaj
Kalemaj has just signed a 8 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of abadjii
abadjii has just signed a 6 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of CharohSF
CharohSF has just signed a 8 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Sweek7020
Sweek7020 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of PorTos-09
PorTos-09 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of remybock
remybock has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of TomsVA91
TomsVA91 has just signed a 6 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of AlexCeption04
AlexCeption04 has just signed a 4 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Shaantsss
Shaantsss has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of TizmA93KG
TizmA93KG has just signed a 6 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of CharohSF
CharohSF has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of donjavier
donjavier has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Kalemaj
Kalemaj has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of UBI_Crespo
UBI_Crespo has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of PorTos-09
PorTos-09 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of abadjii
abadjii has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of AlexCeption04
AlexCeption04 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of TomsVA91
TomsVA91 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of HugoltBolt
HugoltBolt has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of remybock
remybock has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Shaantsss
Shaantsss has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of CharohSF
CharohSF has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of donjavier
donjavier has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of TizmA93KG
TizmA93KG has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM

Pour la partie EFL HIVER conférence Emeraude :

 Thunder Auk a terminé premier de sa conférence saphir en automne. Thunder perd en finale des play-off face à Samcro ! Ils seront donc aussi dans les favoris pour la saison hiver. 

Bestou WS termine second de la conférence Émeraude. Bestou sera éliminé en quart de finale des play-off. Aussi parmi les favoris. 

NSN CR esport, troisième de la conférence saphir. Ils sortent néanmoins au premier tour des play-off. 
PCS Pollos a terminé 9e de la conférence Émeraude et perd en demi-finale des play down. Équipe totalement changée cet hiver. GM et joueurs. 

DIM Team, 10e de la conférence Émeraude, Remporte les play down face à WU-Tang. L'équipe s'est en plus, renforcée. 

Ematers a fini 5e de Saphir automne. Éliminé au premier tour des play-off. 
ORKS GP termine à la 11e place de la conférence Émeraude. Orks est éliminé en 16ieme des play-dow

Transfer of FoOrZy
FoOrZy has just signed a 4 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Djimeyseveneight
Djimeyseveneight has just signed a 7 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Dimeh_94x
Dimeh_94x has just signed a 7 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of AnT__O94
AnT__O94 has just signed a 7 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of PorTos-09
PorTos-09 has just signed a 7 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Erwan_15x
Erwan_15x has just signed a 7 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of UBI_Crespo
UBI_Crespo has just signed a 7 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of UBI_Crespo
UBI_Crespo has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of AnT__O94
AnT__O94 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of DonLouboutin
DonLouboutin has just signed a 4 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of PorTos-09
PorTos-09 has just signed a 4 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Dimeh_94x
Dimeh_94x has just signed a 4 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Djimeyseveneight
Djimeyseveneight has just signed a 4 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of TizmA93KG
TizmA93KG has just signed a 4 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Erwan_15x
Erwan_15x has just signed a 4 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of WaRRoZz_78
WaRRoZz_78 has just signed a 10 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of PapiiNinho
PapiiNinho has just signed a 3 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of PorTos-09
PorTos-09 has just signed a 3 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of TizmA93KG
TizmA93KG has just signed a 3 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of UBI_Crespo
UBI_Crespo has just signed a 3 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of DonLouboutin
DonLouboutin has just signed a 3 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Dimeh_94x
Dimeh_94x has just signed a 3 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Erwan_15x
Erwan_15x has just signed a 3 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of TizmA93KG
TizmA93KG has just signed a 3 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of DonLouboutin
DonLouboutin has just signed a 3 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Djimeyseveneight
Djimeyseveneight has just signed a 3 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Dimeh_94x
Dimeh_94x has just signed a 3 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of PorTos-09
PorTos-09 has just signed a 3 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of UBI_Crespo
UBI_Crespo has just signed a 3 games contract with UBITEAM
Bonjour et bienvenue pour un nouveau résumé de la conférence Émeraude
Pour le haut du classement, c'est toujours Samcro qui reste leader avec 65 points. 1 seule petite défaite en 26 matchs. Le second est l'équipe belge de Bestou Ws avec 58 points. Troisième et quatrième, déjà à 10 points de Bestou, c'est La Pest. Mais La Pest a perdu cette semaine face a un concurrent direct, Obsession Arras Gaming, et sont désormais à égalité.

Le 5e Les Anciens Limitless qui affronte au prochain match, La Pest. Match très important pour les deux équipes, les Anciens pourraient revenir à 1 point de LA Pest ...6e et dernier qualifié des play-off (pour le moment), c'est la surprise XCIV esport ! Belle équipe, mais il faudra s'accrocher à cette place pour disputer les play-off. 7e et dégringolade pour SNM efoot. 4 défaites sur les 4 derniers matchs ... Attention de ne pas av
Transfer of UBI_Crespo
UBI_Crespo has just signed a 3 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Alkyris
Alkyris has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Morray01100
Morray01100 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Djimeyseveneight
Djimeyseveneight has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of UBI_Crespo
UBI_Crespo has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of TizmA93KG
TizmA93KG has just signed a 7 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Kalemaj
Kalemaj has just signed a 10 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of El_Pochoo-22
El_Pochoo-22 has just signed a 7 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of PorTos-09
PorTos-09 has just signed a 7 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Alkyris
Alkyris has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of WaRRoZz_78
WaRRoZz_78 has just signed a 10 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Ninuux_
Ninuux_ has just signed a 10 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Dimeh_94x
Dimeh_94x has just signed a 7 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of DonLouboutin
DonLouboutin has just signed a 7 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Djimeyseveneight
Djimeyseveneight has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of El_Pochoo-22
El_Pochoo-22 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of TizmA93KG
TizmA93KG has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of PorTos-09
PorTos-09 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Morray01100
Morray01100 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of UBI_Crespo
UBI_Crespo has just signed a 7 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of DonLouboutin
DonLouboutin has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Dimeh_94x
Dimeh_94x has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Klorro
Klorro has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of PorTos-09
PorTos-09 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of UBI_Kalash_
UBI_Kalash_ has just signed a 10 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of TizmA93KG
TizmA93KG has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of UBI_Crespo
UBI_Crespo has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of El_Pochoo-22
El_Pochoo-22 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Morray01100
Morray01100 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of DonLouboutin
DonLouboutin has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Dimeh_94x
Dimeh_94x has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of TizmA93KG
TizmA93KG has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of El_Pochoo-22
El_Pochoo-22 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of UBI_Crespo
UBI_Crespo has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Klorro
Klorro has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Khal_Mohito
Khal_Mohito has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Morray01100
Morray01100 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Kalemaj
Kalemaj has just signed a 10 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Ninuux_
Ninuux_ has just signed a 10 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of PorTos-09
PorTos-09 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of DonLouboutin
DonLouboutin has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of xStorm_x99
xStorm_x99 has just signed a 4 games contract with UBITEAM

Bonjour et bienvenue pour le troisième rendez-vous de la conférence Émeraude. Accrochez-vous car ca bouge pas mal cette semaine. Nous allons, pour une fois, commencer par la fin, avec des équipes qui respirent, et d'autres qui sombrent..

Transfer of El_Pochoo-22
El_Pochoo-22 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of TizmA93KG
TizmA93KG has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of UBI_Crespo
UBI_Crespo has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Morray01100
Morray01100 has just signed a 4 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Khal_Mohito
Khal_Mohito has just signed a 4 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of El_Pochoo-22
El_Pochoo-22 has just signed a 4 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of UBI_Kalash_
UBI_Kalash_ has just signed a 10 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Marquinhos_x5
Marquinhos_x5 has just signed a 4 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of PorTos-09
PorTos-09 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of WaRRoZz_78
WaRRoZz_78 has just signed a 10 games contract with UBITEAM

Bonjour à tous, on se retrouve pour le numéro 2 du résumé de la conférence Émeraude.

Le Leader de cette confĂ©rence a changĂ©. C'est dĂ©sormais Samcro qui est en tĂªte. Une victoire très importante en confrontation directe avec La Pest (1 Ă  0 but de ELKADIEM). Une victoire d'autant plus importante, car Samcro s'est inclinĂ© juste après, face Ă  Invictus.
La Pest passe second avec une défaite donc contre Samcro et un match nul face à SNM efoot. La Pest a donc désormais 2 petits points de retard sur Samcro.
Les Anciens Limitless et XciV esport sont à égalité avec 17 points et respectivement, troisième et quatrième.

Transfer of Klorro
Klorro has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of UBI_Crespo
UBI_Crespo has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of TizmA93KG
TizmA93KG has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of El_Pochoo-22
El_Pochoo-22 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of PorTos-09
PorTos-09 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of xStorm_x99
xStorm_x99 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Morray01100
Morray01100 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM

Salut la communauté, c'est avec une immense fierté que nous ouvrons notre toute première série de news dans la section « PLAYGROUND ÉMERAUDE ». Celle-ci est dédiée à un check-up des journées passées durant la semaine et sera publiée chaque week-end. C'est parti !

Cette semaine a eu lieu le début de la conférence de la journée 1 à la journée 4.

Voilà la première semaine

Transfer of RBaroudi21
RBaroudi21 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Klorro
Klorro has just signed a 4 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of TortleAbe
TortleAbe has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of FoOrZy
FoOrZy has just signed a 10 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of PorTos-09
PorTos-09 has just signed a 4 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of TortleAbe
TortleAbe has just signed a 2 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of TizmA93KG
TizmA93KG has just signed a 4 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of UBI_Crespo
UBI_Crespo has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of UBI_Crespo
UBI_Crespo has just signed a 2 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of RBaroudi21
RBaroudi21 has just signed a 2 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of UBI_Crespo
UBI_Crespo has just signed a 2 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of TortleAbe
TortleAbe has just signed a 2 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of PorTos-09
PorTos-09 has just signed a 2 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of PorTos-09
PorTos-09 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Morray01100
Morray01100 has just signed a 2 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of UBI_Crespo
UBI_Crespo has just signed a 2 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of UBI_Crespo
UBI_Crespo has just signed a 2 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of TizmA93KG
TizmA93KG has just signed a 2 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Morray01100
Morray01100 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of xJakooo_
xJakooo_ has just signed a 2 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Klorro
Klorro has just signed a 2 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of xJakooo_
xJakooo_ has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Klorro
Klorro has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Kalemaj
Kalemaj has just signed a 10 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of DonLouboutin
DonLouboutin has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of papiii17
papiii17 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of xStorm_x99
xStorm_x99 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Portosdevry91
Portosdevry91 has just signed a 10 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of PorTos-09
PorTos-09 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of El_Pochoo-22
El_Pochoo-22 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of El_Pochoo-22
El_Pochoo-22 has just signed a 10 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of UBI_Kalash_
UBI_Kalash_ has just signed a 10 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of PorTos-09
PorTos-09 has just signed a 10 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of CRESPO-75
CRESPO-75 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Khal_Mohito
Khal_Mohito has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Marquinhos_x5
Marquinhos_x5 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of CRESPO-75
CRESPO-75 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of CRESPO-75
CRESPO-75 has just signed a 10 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Marquinhos_x5
Marquinhos_x5 has just signed a 10 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Marquinhos_x5
Marquinhos_x5 has just signed a 10 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Marquinhos_x5
Marquinhos_x5 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of CRESPO-75
CRESPO-75 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Portosdevry91
Portosdevry91 has just signed a 10 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of Portosdevry91
Portosdevry91 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of xStorm_x99
xStorm_x99 has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM
Transfer of DonLouboutin
DonLouboutin has just signed a 5 games contract with UBITEAM